Jumat 05 Jan 2024 23:03 WIB

Giant Business Cannot Interfere with the Free Lunch Program

Even Hashim Djojohadikusumo will not interfere with the program.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Member of the Steering Board of the Prabowo-Girban National Campaign Team (TKN), Hashim Djojohadikusumo, while attending the Gratitude and Social Action at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Friday (5/1/2024).
Foto: Republika/Ronggo Astungkoro
Member of the Steering Board of the Prabowo-Girban National Campaign Team (TKN), Hashim Djojohadikusumo, while attending the Gratitude and Social Action at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Friday (5/1/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Member of the Steering Board of the Prabowo-Girban National Campaign Team (TKN), Hashim Djojohadikusumo, said that free lunch is The most first program will be run by the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pairing when elected later.

He made sure that large entrepreneurs should not interfere in programs run by small and medium-sized micro enterprises (SMEs). Hashim will not interfere with the program either.

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“This program is the first to be implemented immediately. And this is a program that will be implemented by MSMEs. No big business should participate in this program. Including me,” Hashim said in Gratitude and Social Action with Jokowi Volunteers Moving with Prabowo (JBBP) in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Friday (5/1/2024).

Hashim admitted, he would only be involved in conducting surveillance. According to the younger brother of President Prabowo, he needs to carry out surveillance in order not to commit crimes of corruption on the ground. He does not want food rations for children to be trimmed by a particular party seeking profit for itself.

“My job is to keep an eye on it. We prevent the corruption that happens because we know our country is full of people who are not good. If they see big budget signs of dollars and rupiah there must be an intention to steal. Now it is our duty to all of us to prevent that,” Hashim said.

He felt it was necessary to emphasize this because the funds needed to provide free lunches to 78 million children and 4 million pregnant women in Indonesia annually are about IDR 450 trillion. According to Hashim, each free meal for those who are entitled to it is worth IDR 15 thousand.

Those costs include eggs, milk, green beans, chicken meat, vegetables, and other nutritious foods. “The goal is, first, to remove stunting. It is also to strengthen the bodies of our children and pregnant mothers of 82 million (souls),” said a member of the Board of Trustees of the DPP Gerindra Party.

“Great. IDR 450 trillion every year, three times the defense budget, three times the military budget, this is to provide food. This program is so important for Prabowo,” Hashim explained.

He also revealed that the free lunch program had been established 17 years ago, even before the Gerindra Party was founded. According to him, giving people free lunches has been an obsession of his older brother, Prabowo since a long time to deal with stunting issues in Indonesia.

“This free meal has been planned since 17 years ago. Thought of 2006, there is no Gerindra yet. There is no thought of setting up a new party yet,” Hashim said.

Prabowo, he told me, felt very concerned about the state of the nation. In that year, he saw the prevalence of stunting or growth disorders in children in Indonesia at 30 percent. Children with stunting experience nutritional and growth issues and other negative impacts on their bodies.

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