Jumat 01 Mar 2024 01:40 WIB

OJK Starts Building Offices in IKN Nusantara

The presence of the OJK office is a real support to IKN's development program.

Rep: Rahayu Subekti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Street condition in Central Government Core Area (KIPP) Capital of the State (IKN) Nusantara, northn Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, Thursday (7/12/2023).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Street condition in Central Government Core Area (KIPP) Capital of the State (IKN) Nusantara, northn Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, Thursday (7/12/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO. JAKARTA — The Financial Services Authority (OJK) on Thursday (29/2/2024) agreed on a plan for the construction of an office building in the Capital City of Negara (IKN) area of the archipelago. The signing of the agreement between OJK and IKN Authority was carried out by Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of OJK Mahendra Siregar and Head of IKN Authority Bambang Susantono witnessed by President Joko Widodo at IKN, East Kalimantan.

“The points of the agreement between OJK and the IKN Authority include the use of state-owned goods (BMN) in the form of land for the construction of office buildings and other supporting facilities for OJK for the conduct of government affairs under legal regulations,” said Head of the Department of Literacy, Financial Inclusion, and Communications of OJK Aman Santosa in his written statement on Thursday (29/2/2024).

Baca Juga

The Agreement between the OJK and the IKN Authority is based on the Decision of the Minister of Finance (KMK) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 179/KM.6/KNL.0704/2023 dated October 10, 2023 on Determining the Status of Use of State Owned Goods in the Capital Authority of the Archipelago Operated By Other Parties In Order To Conduct Governmental Affairs Based On Legislation.

The agreed land is located in the Sub Territorial Planning Area (SWP) IA of the Central Government Core Area Planning Area (KIPP), the capital of the Archipelago State with an area of 13,800 cubic meters. Aman revealed that the OJK office building plan at IKN is part of the mandate of OJK Law No. 21 of 2011 in Article 3, which mentions that OJK is located in the Capital of the Unitary State of RI.

“The presence of the OJK office is a real support to the government's ICT development program, as well as to support the interests of the national economy through the development of financial services sector infrastructure such as the construction of a banking service center in the Central Area of IKN Government,” Aman explained.

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