Selasa 16 Apr 2024 19:52 WIB

Dompet Dhuafa Announces Accumulated Increase in ZIS Fund Collection

ZIS fund collection during Ramadan increased by 5.17 percent.

Dompet Dhuafa announced the accumulated increase in the collection of zakat, infak, alms, and waqf funds during Ramadan 1445 H by 5.17 percent.
Foto: Dok. Dompet Dhuafa
Dompet Dhuafa announced the accumulated increase in the collection of zakat, infak, alms, and waqf funds during Ramadan 1445 H by 5.17 percent.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- As a national zakat charity institution, Dompet Dhuafa is always on full alert throughout Ramadan to manage any funds donated by donors. Even until the early morning of 1 Shawal 1445 AH, it was concerned with the management of zakat funds, infak, alms, waqf, and other donations. The goal is to be well and appropriately channeled to those in need.

Accompanied by the reverberations of takbir throughout the night of Idulfitri 1445 AH, the Dompet Dhuafa announced the accumulated increase in the collection of zakat, infak, alms, and waqf funds during Ramadan 1445 AH by 5.17 percent.

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Chairman of the Board of the Dompet Dhuafa Foundation (YDDR) Ahmad Juwaini said that the record is a positive trend for Dompet Dhuafa income in 2024 as well as for Indonesian society in general. That is, the generosity of society does not recede and instead increases. This is in line with World Giving Index data, which states that Indonesians became the most generous society in the world for six consecutive years.

In addition, this is evidence of an ever-increasing increase in the number of donor participation. Based on the records, Gen-Z still dominates the Dompet Dhuafa donor data. In addition, the awareness of each individual and community to play an active role in solving social, economic, health, educational problems, to proclamations and culture, also continues to grow.

“Thank God, the increase in donor participation this year continues to grow and this is something we are grateful for. People's generosity also continues to show a positive trend with an increase in population of 5.17 percent,” Ahmad Juwaini said, in a written statement on Wednesday (15/4/2024).

The positive growth is supported by the various programs that Dompet Dhuafa rolls out during Ramadan. It is noted that there are five pillars of distribution programs spread across different regions of Indonesia, among them economic, health, educational, social, and preaching & cultural programs.

“Until the early hours of the morning ahead of this Eid al-Fitr prayer, the Dompet Dhuafa Team still continues to distribute the trust of the Muzaki to those who deserve it. Thank God we have distributed more than 36,500 zakat fitrah packages to 17 provinces from Aceh to Papua,” said Rina Fatimah, Chairman of Ramadan Dompet Dhuafa 2024.

From the data of the program distribution report in Ramadan 1445 H as of March 10 to April 08, 2024, there are 283,700 beneficiaries spread across 33 provinces and 13 Countries abroad. With details for the Daqwah and Culture program, there are 81,521 beneficiaries, Social there are 159,278 beneficiaries, Economy has 4,561 beneficiaries, Health 10,769 beneficiaries and education has 8,629 beneficiaries. As for 13 overseas countries, located in Australia, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Noumea, Palestine, Suriname, Thailand, East Timor and Greece, serving as distribution points for the Dompet Dhuafa prayer program.

In addition to the factors of the program rolling well and maximally, another factor is to maximize the Dompet Dhuafa network to make distribution to the rest of the country. Be it organ tissue or branch tissue. That is solely to broaden the reach of beneficiaries of each program.

In support of the 2024 homecoming stream, Dompet Dhuafa runs a homecoming post program that runs from 05 to 09 April 2024 with a total of beneficiaries reaching 18,942 people with various programs and details such as the following warm post with beneficiaries reaching 4,744 people, takjil targeting 2,800 people, barbershop reaching 151 people, health checks reaching 1,019 people, kids corner reaching 1,032 people, charger corner reaching 940 people, Sahur meal targeted 2,000 people, service staff reached 34, hygiene kit package targeted 986 people, acupuncture and The lactation corner targeted 35 people, the playground reached 180 people, the fast food service reached 2,500, the motor service reached 153, the nutrition and vitamin package targeted 1,647 people, the reading corner reached 319 people, the family tent reached 92, the massage reached 266, the car service reached 2 people and the medical standby reached 42 people.

This year's Dompet Dhuafa Homecoming Post is spread across seven locations, among them Toyomerto gas station (Serang-Banten), Rest Area of Jami Al-Mahdiyyiin Mosque (Kab. Bandung-Jabar), Rest Area Taman Cirebon Power (Kab. Cirebon-Jabar), Great Mosque of At-Taqwa Ajibaran (Kab. Banyumas-Jateng), Abnais Sabil Banyuwangi Mosque (Banyuwangi-Jatim), Pulo Gebang Terminal (DKI Jakarta), and Kampung Rambutan Terminal (DKI Jakarta).

Dompet Dhuafa Homecoming Post is supported by several major programs of Dompet Dhuafa, among them Disaster Management Center (DMC) Dompet Dhuafa, Free Health Services (LKC), Community Services Institute (LPM), Institute of Independence (IK) and Dompet Dhuafa Branch of Banten, Jabar, Jateng and Jatim.

“Thank you to the donors and partners of kindness who collaborated with Dompet Dhuafa during this Ramadan 1445 Hijri. God willing, the kindness of both fathers and mothers is always conveyed,” concluded Rina.

During Ramadan 2024, Dompet Dhuafa distributes many programs to every province in Indonesia and also to 18 countries. The program consists of Tebar Zakat Fitrah, Shopping Bareng Yatim, Parcel Ramadan, Takjil and Sahur, Borong Merchandise MSME, Grebek Kampung Ramadan, Mudik Postal Service, Dai Cordofa, Dai Ambassador, Earthquake and Flood Relief, Humanitarian Aid to Palestine, as well as many other programs.

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