A number of Muslims greet Catholics during a cross-religious outdoor safari event at the Grand Mosque of Central Java (MAJT), Semarang, Central Java, Wednesday (10/4/2024). The activities carried out by interfaith figures and communities in Semarang with mutual forgiveness aim to strengthen the bonds of silaturahim, harmony and foster the values of peace between peoples in the celebration of Eid al-Fitri 1445 Hijri.

Meaning Eid al-Fitr for Strengthening Citizens' Welfare

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SORONG -- Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) of Sorong City Kisman Rahayaan asked Muslims in the area to celebrate Eid 1445 Hijri as part of strengthening to share for the sake of the welfare of the people is incapable. “As God's representative in the world, Muslims have a responsibility to bless society by providing welfare to the...

Head of Operations and Public Relations Unit of Raharja Sulteng, Erwin Gunawan.

Jasa Raharja Spreads Banners to Anticipate Traffic Accidents

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALU -- PT Jasa Raharja of Central Sulawesi Province installed 130 safety warning banners at a number of laka prone points in the region to anticipate traffic accidents during Lebaran Eid 1445 Hijri homecoming. “Jasa Raharja has carried out mapping of points that are considered prone to leakage and has deployed banners related to appeals in anticipation of accidents,”...