A number of participants belonging to the Indonesian Youth Alliance (API) for Palestine raised flags during the Akbar Bela Palestina Action in Tugu Kujang, Bogor City, West Java, Monday (7/10/2024). In their action, they supported the independence of the Palestinian state and strongly condemned the genocide committed by Israeli Zionists.

PBNU Instructs Read Qunu Nazilah on a Year of Tragedy in Palestine

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Grand Administrator of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) instructed to recite the Qunu Nazilah prayer over the tragedy of the year-long Israeli attacks on Palestinians and the escalating situation in the Middle East. The instruction was published in Circular No. 2523/PB.01/A.I.01.47/99/10/2024 during the Syuriyah and Tanfidziyah Daily Meeting on the 8th Floor of PBNU Building in Central Jakarta. “Looking at...

(ilustrasi) logo nahdlatul ulama

LTM PBNU Dorong Transformasi Manajemen Masjid NU se-Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Lembaga Takmir Masjid Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (LTM PBNU) menginisiasi Silaturahmi Nasional dan Pelatihan Transformasi Kemasjidan melalui dakwah yang moderat di Indonesia. Kegiatan ini dalam rangka pemberdayaan masjid. Rais Aam PBNU, KH Miftachul Akhyar menyampaikan orang-orang yang mengurus masjid adalah orang-orang yang dicintai Allah SWT. Pasalnya, peran masjid sangat vital sebagai pembuktian Muslim yang taat. Kiai Miftah menegaskan sejak...