Rabu , 12 Feb 2014, 16:45 WIB
UN Agency warns of worsening security in CAR
Selasa , 11 Feb 2014, 22:44 WIB
Military plane crashes in Algeria, 103 dead
Rabu , 29 Jan 2014, 09:38 WIB
UN Security Council authorizes EU troops to CAR
Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 17:00 WIB
UN expert: C. African Republic risks genocide
Senin , 20 Jan 2014, 20:52 WIB
EU to send 1,000 soldiers to Central African Republic
Ahad , 19 Jan 2014, 19:00 WIB
Gunmen attack Muslims fleeing CAR, kill 22 including three kids
Ahad , 05 Jan 2014, 16:29 WIB
South Sudan rivals hug, while clashes continue
Kamis , 02 Jan 2014, 09:07 WIB
South Sudan president declares state of emergency ahead of talks
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 03:56 WIB
40 Mayat Ditemukan di Ibu Kota Republik Afrika Tengah
Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 03:54 WIB
Some 40 bodies recovered in C. Africa after clashes
Rabu , 25 Dec 2013, 10:41 WIB
UN sends more peacekeepers to South Sudan as violence spreads
Ahad , 22 Dec 2013, 13:10 WIB
Madagascar rivals both claim poll win, allege fraud
UN told up to 500 killed in South Sudan clashes
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - The United Nations received reports from local sources in South Sudan on Tuesday that between 400 and 500 people had been killed and up to 800 wounded in the latest violence, and the government said it had arrested 10 politicians in connection with a "foiled coup". "Two hospitals have recorded between 400 and 500 dead and (up to)...
Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 08:07 WIB
Kenya joins world in marking AIDS Day
Kamis , 28 Nov 2013, 09:03 WIB
PBB Serukan Tindakan Setelah Anak-Anak Dilaporkan Dibunuh di DRC
Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 12:58 WIB
Kebangkitan Kejayaan Afrika
Sabtu , 29 Dec 2012, 23:46 WIB
Indonesia monitors development in Central Africa Republic
Rabu , 31 Oct 2012, 20:38 WIB
Africa, potential market for Indonesian commodities
Jumat , 22 Jun 2012, 19:27 WIB
Africa wants to improve its image in Indonesia
Jumat , 25 May 2012, 19:38 WIB