Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 22:53 WIB
Three injured, two critically, in shooting at Chicago train station

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 22:42 WIB
Former President Bush Senior remains in Houston hospital

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 19:00 WIB
Wow... Sony puts 'The Interview' on YouTube

Selasa , 23 Dec 2014, 10:34 WIB
US monitoring company: North Korea's internet links restored

Selasa , 23 Dec 2014, 10:10 WIB
New York mayor calls for pause in protests after police killings

Senin , 22 Dec 2014, 16:35 WIB
China condemns cyberattacks, but does not mention North Korea

Senin , 22 Dec 2014, 06:32 WIB
Obama says Sony hack not an act of war

Ahad , 21 Dec 2014, 14:01 WIB
NYT: Two New York police officers killed, gunman dead

Sabtu , 20 Dec 2014, 15:33 WIB
Russia says deeply disappointed Obama signs new sanctions bill

Kamis , 18 Dec 2014, 06:28 WIB
Like Iran, secret diplomacy leads to US-Cuba thaw

Kamis , 18 Dec 2014, 06:19 WIB
Key dates in US relations with Cuba

Kamis , 18 Dec 2014, 06:12 WIB
UN chief: US torture report must spur global action

Russia's sinking economy becomes a global threat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Russia's suddenly escalating financial crisis risks spilling beyond its borders and endangering parts of the global economy. With economies in Europe, Japan, China and Latin America already ailing, fresh threats have emerged from Russia's shriveled currency, its move to dramatically boost interest rates, damage from plummeting oil prices and Western sanctions over Russia's action in Ukraine. The alarming 10...

Selasa , 16 Dec 2014, 17:00 WIB
Seriously... Robot flies to Germany as airline passenger from Los Angeles

Jumat , 12 Dec 2014, 14:52 WIB
CIA chief admits agency used 'abhorrent' methods on detainees

Rabu , 10 Dec 2014, 23:56 WIB
Kerry to meet Israel's Netanyahu in Rome on Sunday

Rabu , 10 Dec 2014, 23:41 WIB
Factbox: US Senate panel's findings on CIA torture

Rabu , 10 Dec 2014, 23:16 WIB
Ex-CIA officials say torture report is one-sided, flawed

Selasa , 09 Dec 2014, 02:30 WIB
US says allies to send about 1,500 troops to Iraq

Ahad , 07 Dec 2014, 23:57 WIB
NY set for fifth day of protests over police violence after West Coast clashes

Ahad , 07 Dec 2014, 22:25 WIB
N Sumatra sees 559 million USD surplus in trade with the US

Ahad , 07 Dec 2014, 17:00 WIB
Ouch... Obama diagnosed with acid reflux

Ahad , 07 Dec 2014, 09:02 WIB
US to keep more troops in Afghanistan as violence spikes

Sabtu , 06 Dec 2014, 23:57 WIB
California in worst conditions in 1,200 years

Sabtu , 06 Dec 2014, 19:30 WIB
Four stabbed on Amtrak train in Michigan

Sabtu , 06 Dec 2014, 18:45 WIB
Obama nominates Ashton Carter for Pentagon chief

Overdue book returned to library in Washington state, 65 years late
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SPOKANE -- An overdue copy of "Gone with the Wind" has been returned to a high school library in Washington state, 65 years past its due date, and the grateful school said on Tuesday it was waiving late fees that at 2 cents a day added up to about 475 USD.The long-overdue book was checked out of the...

Rabu , 26 Nov 2014, 17:32 WIB
Protests spread across US, more troops deployed to prevent fresh Ferguson riots

Selasa , 25 Nov 2014, 01:35 WIB
Hagel quits!

Ahad , 23 Nov 2014, 02:24 WIB
Oddly... Lost kitten from New Mexico turns up in duffel bag in Maine

Sabtu , 22 Nov 2014, 13:54 WIB
NYT: Obama signs order expanding US Afghanistan role

Ahad , 16 Nov 2014, 07:38 WIB
Erdogan says Muslims, not Columbus, discovered Americas

Jumat , 14 Nov 2014, 19:44 WIB
Washington cathedral to host first Friday prayer for Muslims

Jumat , 07 Nov 2014, 18:40 WIB
Who shot bin Laden? Former Navy SEALS make rival claims

Kamis , 06 Nov 2014, 22:45 WIB
US denies telling Yemen ex-president to leave or face sanctions

Kamis , 06 Nov 2014, 22:29 WIB
Odd... A deceased Washington state legislator headed for re-election

Kamis , 06 Nov 2014, 04:46 WIB