Selasa , 15 Apr 2014, 16:38 WIB
Feds charge woman in Hillary Clinton shoe-throw

Sabtu , 12 Apr 2014, 01:11 WIB
White House: Iran official will not get visa for UN ambassadorship

Senin , 07 Apr 2014, 18:37 WIB
Oops.. Senator goes to wrong hearing, blames Moscow

Sabtu , 05 Apr 2014, 08:07 WIB
George W. Bush opens his first exhibition as a painter

Selasa , 01 Apr 2014, 01:06 WIB
Study: NSA infiltrated RSA security more deeply than thought

Ahad , 30 Mar 2014, 18:53 WIB
Obama-Saudi king talks may ease friction but no breakthrough seen

Jumat , 28 Mar 2014, 22:21 WIB
Report: Global executions up 15 percent in 2013

Jumat , 28 Mar 2014, 19:53 WIB
Wow... Shark gives Florida student two-hour ride, stars in YouTube video

Jumat , 28 Mar 2014, 17:07 WIB
Finally... Cupcake machine opens in New York to satisfy 24-hour cravings

Rabu , 26 Mar 2014, 00:55 WIB
Death toll from US mudslide is expected to rise

Selasa , 25 Mar 2014, 18:15 WIB
Report: Obama to give up NSA's phone call sweep
Ahad , 23 Mar 2014, 08:44 WIB
Washington state man who put infant in freezer gets 16 years

Wow... Ornament from junk market turns out to be a 20 million USD Faberge egg!
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - When a scrap metal dealer from US Midwest bought a golden ornament at a junk market, it never crossed his mind that he was the owner of a 20 million USD Faberge egg hailing from the court of imperial Russia. In a mystery fit for the tumultuous history of Russia's ostentatious elite, the 8-cm (3-inch) golden egg...

Rabu , 12 Mar 2014, 15:57 WIB
Ouch... Toddler found with heroin at New Jersey daycare center

Selasa , 11 Mar 2014, 16:17 WIB
Ouch... Pennsylvania lawyer's ad draws criticism

Selasa , 11 Mar 2014, 16:00 WIB
Well... study finds investors prefer business pitches from handsome men

Ahad , 09 Mar 2014, 23:25 WIB
Michigan woman dead for six years found only after money runs out

Senin , 03 Mar 2014, 12:11 WIB
Obama 'warns' Israel

Sabtu , 01 Mar 2014, 21:33 WIB
Wow... The 'Dead' Mississippi man still alive!

Senin , 24 Feb 2014, 23:56 WIB
Pentagon to propose shrinking Army, scrapping some jets

Senin , 24 Feb 2014, 23:49 WIB
Ouch... US now bugging German ministers in place of Merkel

Jumat , 21 Feb 2014, 15:05 WIB
China urges Obama to cancel meeting with Dalai Lama

Kamis , 20 Feb 2014, 15:39 WIB
Facebook to buy WhatsApp for 19 billion USD in deal shocker

Rabu , 19 Feb 2014, 23:52 WIB
'Catch me if you can' biker nabbed by Texas police

Senin , 17 Feb 2014, 18:28 WIB
Obama bemoans growing 'older and creakier'

Two US filmmakers to visit Java, Kalimantan, and Sumatra
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Two distinguished American filmmakers, Freida Mock and Richard Pearce, come to Jakarta as part of the American Film Showcase (AFS) program, US Embassy said in a written statement in Thursday. Over the next two weeks, the filmmakers will meet with Indonesians in Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra to share their perspectives on American films and to discuss...

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 20:41 WIB
Ouch... Justin Bieber arrested in Miami area

Ahad , 19 Jan 2014, 00:07 WIB
Wondering about first lady status in these countries? Read this...
Sabtu , 18 Jan 2014, 20:14 WIB
Obama: Stop spying on US allies, unless...

Sabtu , 18 Jan 2014, 19:36 WIB
This man accused of sending poisonous letter to Obama

Selasa , 14 Jan 2014, 23:51 WIB
Southwest grounds pilots who landed jet at wrong airport

Jumat , 10 Jan 2014, 16:00 WIB
Senate majority support Iran sanctions bill

Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 21:00 WIB
Apple, Samsung CEOs agree to mediation in US patent fight

Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 17:47 WIB
NJ Governor: I was misled by staff in bridge scandal

Rabu , 08 Jan 2014, 17:25 WIB