Kamis , 08 Nov 2012, 19:01 WIB
Jumat , 09 Nov 2012, 20:15 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday the age of nuclear deterrence was long gone and any country still stockpiling nuclear weapons was "mentally retarded". He again...
Jumat , 09 Nov 2012, 20:02 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BALI - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held courtesy call with his Iranian counterpart, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on the sidelines of the 5th Bali Democracy Forum (BDF), on Friday. "Vice President informed me that Non-Alignment Movement Summit in Teheran ran very well. I congratulate you, Mr. President," SBY opened the talk with Ahmadinejad. As a response, Ahmadinejad praised BDF as an...
Jumat , 09 Nov 2012, 18:27 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono expressed...
Kamis , 08 Nov 2012, 21:20 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR - Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Foreign...
Kamis , 08 Nov 2012, 21:06 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUSA DUA – Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard praises...
Kamis , 08 Nov 2012, 19:01 WIB