Chelsea Islan

Chelsea’s struggle during the film Rudy Habibie

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TANGERANG -- Playing the role of a Polish-German descent girl named Ilona Ianovska in the movie Rudy Habibie, was not easy task for the actress Chelsea Islan. In addition to deepening the understanding of character, Chelsea must learn German at a 'lightning' speed.Chelsea intensively studied German under the guidance of a German language teacher.“For about three weeks I...

Chelsea Islan

Senin , 27 Jun 2016, 06:36 WIB

Ini Perjuangan Chelsea Demi Film Rudy Habibie

Chelsea Islan

Jumat , 22 Apr 2016, 01:41 WIB

Sosok Kartini Panutan Chelsea Islan

Chelsea Islan

Selasa , 19 Apr 2016, 12:50 WIB

Chelsea Islan Belajar Memanah