Rabu , 27 Dec 2023, 15:12 WIB
The Male Figure of the Inhabitant of Heaven
REPUBLICA.CO.ID, One day, when the Messenger of Allah (SAW), was sitting with his companions, he suddenly stared at the sky as if hearing the whisper of an angel. Then...
Rabu , 22 Nov 2023, 15:32 WIB
Said bin Amir, Governoor Who Wasn't Greedy
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sa'id bin Amir's full name is Sa'id bin Amir bin Hudzaim Al-Jumahi Al-Qurasyi. Sa'id ibn Amir served as the regional chief or governor of the Himsh region, a region in Shame that came under the control of the caliphate of Umar bin Al Khattab. At the time when Umar ibn Al Khattab made an official visit to...