Sabtu , 24 Aug 2013, 00:03 WIB
Obama: Cutting Egypt aid may not reverse actions

Jumat , 23 Aug 2013, 19:31 WIB
Egypt braces for fresh protests

Kamis , 22 Aug 2013, 22:50 WIB
Egypt's ousted leader Hosni Mubarak released

Selasa , 20 Aug 2013, 09:30 WIB
Egypt arrests supreme leader of Muslim Brotherhood
Selasa , 20 Aug 2013, 09:02 WIB
Israel quietly maintains ties with Egyptian army
Selasa , 20 Aug 2013, 08:51 WIB
Egypt: Court raises possibility of a free Mubarak

Senin , 19 Aug 2013, 11:21 WIB
Egypt: 36 killed in prison truck escape attempt

Senin , 19 Aug 2013, 08:00 WIB
US Congress split on cutting off aid to Egypt

Senin , 19 Aug 2013, 06:28 WIB
EU to 'urgently review' its relations with Egypt

Ahad , 18 Aug 2013, 14:39 WIB
Egypt on edge after storming of protester mosque

Ahad , 18 Aug 2013, 14:28 WIB
Minister: No plan to evacuate Indonesians from Egypt
Sabtu , 17 Aug 2013, 10:30 WIB
FM: Indonesia tries to communicate with Egyptian government

Egyptian death toll soars to 638
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO - Weeping relatives in search of loved ones uncovered the faces of the bloodied, unclaimed dead in a Cairo mosque near the smoldering epicenter of support for ousted President Mohammed Mursi, as the death toll soared past 600 Thursday from Egypt's deadliest day since the Arab Spring began. World condemnation widened for the bloody crackdown on Mursi's mostly...

Rabu , 14 Aug 2013, 13:17 WIB
Egyptian troops move against pro-Morsi sit-in

Senin , 12 Aug 2013, 00:28 WIB
Egypt police to besiege sit-ins within 24 hours

Rabu , 07 Aug 2013, 23:55 WIB