Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 04:52 WIB
Sembilan Tewas Dalam Kecelakaan Pesawat Kargo di Siberia

Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 00:50 WIB
Plane crash in Siberia kills nine people - Agencies

Kamis , 26 Dec 2013, 16:09 WIB
President tweets: Stay alert to disasters

Kamis , 26 Dec 2013, 10:24 WIB
18 killed, 48,000 evacuated due to rains in Brazil

Senin , 23 Dec 2013, 16:15 WIB
Flood and landslide displace 3,929 residents in Purworejo

Ahad , 22 Dec 2013, 22:13 WIB
Sinabung emergency response extended until January 4

Ahad , 22 Dec 2013, 12:46 WIB
At least 200 flood victims in Blitar evacuated

Sabtu , 21 Dec 2013, 19:19 WIB
Overflowing Bengawan Solo inundates 100 villages in Bojonegoro

Rabu , 18 Dec 2013, 21:07 WIB
Yogyakarta on alert status of flood and landslide

Senin , 16 Dec 2013, 19:16 WIB
Floods inundate 785 houses in Cilacap

Senin , 16 Dec 2013, 00:40 WIB
More than 5,000 evacuated from Gaza "disaster area" floods

Ahad , 15 Dec 2013, 23:21 WIB
At least 17,939 people seek refugee due to Mt. Sinabung eruption

At least 511 refugees of Mount Rokatenda evacuated
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Local government of Palue Island continues to evacuate eruption refugees of Mount Rokatenda in Sikka regency, East Nusa Tenggara. At least 511 people around Mount Rokatenda were evacuated from Palue Island to Maumere. "Most of refugees comes from Koa, Rokirole and Nitunglea village. They were evacuated to safe place in Maumere and Uwa," Head of Data, Information...

Rabu , 03 Jul 2013, 22:57 WIB
Eartquake victims in Aceh increase to 22

Rabu , 05 Jun 2013, 00:34 WIB
World Bank and Ahok reach agreement on JEDI project

Ahad , 12 May 2013, 23:45 WIB
Expert: Indonesia experiences 60 floods in 10 years

Sabtu , 06 Apr 2013, 23:09 WIB
Five aftershocks recorded in Papua

Kamis , 03 Jan 2013, 22:30 WIB
Master plan of disaster risk management started early 2013

Senin , 31 Dec 2012, 22:30 WIB
Storm devastates 27 houses in Yogyakarta

Senin , 24 Dec 2012, 22:15 WIB
BNPB: Jakarta would never be a flood-free city

Kamis , 20 Dec 2012, 23:58 WIB
LAPAN launches UAV to monitor disaster

Sabtu , 08 Dec 2012, 23:14 WIB
Jakarta is undergoing flood early warning system

Senin , 26 Nov 2012, 21:07 WIB
Indonesian Red Cross holds flood simulation exercise with Norwegian's

Ahad , 11 Nov 2012, 21:47 WIB
Mount Lokon in N. Sulawesi erupts again

Sabtu , 10 Nov 2012, 23:13 WIB
Unwanted donation, the 'disaster after the disaster'

North Sulawesi ready to face tsunami
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MANADO - Three regencies in North Sulawesi already had contingency plan to face natural disasters especially tsunami, the Regional Natural Disaster Control Agency (BPBD) said. "The contingency plan has been made more specifically on earthquake and tsunami," Hoyke Makarawung, the head of BPBD, said on Thursday. Makarawung, said the contingency plan was prepared as a follow up of the "Pacific Partnership" meeting...
Selasa , 05 Jun 2012, 19:27 WIB
Thirty-four houses damaged after quake in Sukabumi

Senin , 28 May 2012, 21:30 WIB
Debate over Lapindo mud: Manmade or natural disaster?
Ahad , 27 May 2012, 22:09 WIB
Hundreds of people commemorate sixth years of Yogyakarta earthquake

Sabtu , 21 Apr 2012, 23:46 WIB