Sabtu , 08 Mar 2025, 19:23 WIB
OCBC Dorong Kesetaraan Perempuan di Dunia Kerja
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Kesetaraan gender di dunia kerja masih menghadapi tantangan besar. Laporan tahunan Women in the Workplace dari McKinsey & Company mencatat bahwa meskipun representasi perempuan di level...
Jumat , 27 Apr 2012, 22:08 WIB
DMI: Digging out mosque's role in economy
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – As a country which has more than a million mosque, Indonesia holds an amazing potency. “Indonesia is like sleeping tiger,” the Deputy Chairman of Indonesian Masjid Board (DMI), Goodwill Zubair, said on Thursday. He added, mosque should not only a place for praying. On the conference held in April 26-29 at Hajj Complex, Pondok Gede, the empowerment of...
Kamis , 29 Mar 2012, 19:29 WIB
Women empowerment can fight poverty
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Women could be in the first line...