Selasa , 25 Feb 2014, 18:02 WIB
Turkish PM's office says Erdogan recordings are fake

Senin , 24 Feb 2014, 22:34 WIB
Ukraine's fugitive president wanted for mass murder

Senin , 24 Feb 2014, 15:15 WIB
Yanukovych reportedly seen in Crimea

Ahad , 23 Feb 2014, 06:41 WIB
Eurocham urges Indonesia to ease business regulations

Jumat , 21 Feb 2014, 07:03 WIB
EU seeks peace as Ukraine death toll hits 75

Kamis , 20 Feb 2014, 00:29 WIB
UK's fate hinges in two referendums

Sabtu , 15 Feb 2014, 22:08 WIB
Merkel, Hollande to discuss communication network without US?

Jumat , 14 Feb 2014, 18:03 WIB
Italian PM to resign after party withdraws support

Rabu , 12 Feb 2014, 17:01 WIB
Syria says 'hypocrisy and evasion' on EU intention

Rabu , 12 Feb 2014, 01:03 WIB
Cypriot leaders seeking settlement 'as soon as possible'

Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 03:26 WIB
Presiden Ukraina Berjanji Perangi Korupsi

Jumat , 27 Dec 2013, 02:57 WIB
Ukrainian President vows resolute fight against corruption

Polandia: Perusahaan Otomotif Korsel Investasi 330 Juta Dolar
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WARSAWA -- Menteri Ekonomi Janusz Piechocinski pada Jumat mengumumkan bahwa perusahaan otomotif Korea Selatan merencanakan investasi satu miliar zloty Polandia (sekitar 330 juta dolar AS) di Polandia, menurut media lokal."Kami telah membangun semacam cluster industri otomotif di Polandia selama lima tahun terakhir," kata Piechocinski. Dia berargumen bahwa industri memiliki peluang pertumbuhan lebih lanjut yang dinamis."Jika saya berhasil membujuk...

Rabu , 13 Jun 2012, 21:12 WIB