Jumat , 27 Apr 2018, 00:15 WIB
Majority of foreign workers in 7 provinces come from China

Rabu , 25 Apr 2018, 04:05 WIB
Regulation on foreign workers to simplify licensing process

Senin , 23 Apr 2018, 22:29 WIB
SBY urges govt to clarify alleged foreign workers' onslaught
Sabtu , 21 Apr 2018, 01:18 WIB
Do not react overly to regulation on expatriates: Golkar

Sabtu , 07 Apr 2018, 04:10 WIB
Jokowi signs Perpres on the ease for foreign workers

Kamis , 01 Feb 2018, 03:50 WIB
Jokowi wants simplification for foreign workers permit

Selasa , 26 Jul 2016, 17:17 WIB
The surge of foreign workers in AEC era

Jumat , 10 Jun 2016, 19:18 WIB
Tangerang monitors 1,650 foreign workers

Ahad , 29 Nov 2015, 08:42 WIB