Sabtu 21 Apr 2018 01:18 WIB

Do not react overly to regulation on expatriates: Golkar

Golkar explains the policy is an attempt to organize, restrict expatriates.

Chairman of Golkar Party Executive Board on Media and Opinion Development, Ace Hasan Syadzily
Foto: dpr
Chairman of Golkar Party Executive Board on Media and Opinion Development, Ace Hasan Syadzily

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Golkar Party Executive Board on Media and Opinion Development, Ace Hasan Syadzily, called on people to not react overly to the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 20 Year/2018 on expatriates. He also thought it was not necessary to ask the House to form a special inquiry committee.

"Do not be too excessive in responding to the Perpress, let alone proposing to the House of Representatives (DPR) that a special inquiry committee should be established," Ace said in Jakarta on Friday.

There is nothing to worry about the presidential regulation is nothing because the policy is an attempt by the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to organize and restrict foreign nationals to work in Indonesia, Syadzily said.

According to him, foreign workers are not clearly confined in regulations in Indonesia so far. "In addition, the Perpres concerning foreign workers (TKA) is an effort to ensure legal certainty about how foreign workers work in Indonesia," he said.

Syadzily, who is also Vice Chairman of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives (DPR), said the regulation was to increase investment in Indonesia. Wherever countries in the world, expatriates are regulated. Concerning the existence of expatriates from a certain country which allegedly dominate employment in Indonesia, he said, this TKA Regulation does not regulate foreign workers in certain countries but all foreign nationals.

Earlier, Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Fahri Hamzah proposed the formation of a DPR Inquiry Committee on foreign workers because he suspected the government's regulation related to the foreign workers had violated the law. He said the move was necessary because the arrivals of foreign workers without proper procedures had taken place before and after the Presidential Regulation was made.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower Herry Sudarmanto said, the Presidential Regulation is actually a form of legal certainty from the side of expatriates.

"This regulation gives legal clarity on the part of the workers, if so far the foreign workers' business visa can be converted to work visa, now they have to work based on a work visa from the beginning, they can not use business visa," said the secretary general to Antara in Jakarta on Tuesday (April 17).

Requirements to obtain a work visa, he added, also confirmed. Employers must be legal entities. Prospective foreign workers must have a diploma with an educational background that is in accordance with the positions that will be filled in Indonesian companies.

In addition, TKA candidates must also have a certificate of competence. Employer companies are required to provide Indonesian language training facilities. Under the policy, the government wants to reinforce its legal certainty, both for prospective workers, employers and government as supervisors.

sumber : Antara
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