The Riau Provincial Police is deploying two platoons of Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel to help fight land and forest fires in Rokan Hilir district, Riau province.

Two platoons of Brimob personnel deployed to fight forest fire

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- The Riau Provincial Police is deploying two platoons of Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel to help fight land and forest fires in Rokan Hilir district, Riau province. "We continue to increase the number of personnel to help the land and forest fire task force extinguish fires," Chief of the Riau Provincial Police Brigadier General Supriyanto said on Tuesday. The...

Smoke from forest and peatland fires limits visibility in Riau. (illustration)

Ahad , 14 Aug 2016, 22:09 WIB

Lapan detects 92 hotspots across Sumatra


Selasa , 02 Aug 2016, 20:43 WIB

DPR softens on SP3 decision


America provides 2.9 million US dollar for Indonesia's forest restoration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, said the Government of the United States (US) would provide assistance of 2.9 million US dollars for restoration of forests in Indonesia."President Joko Widodo already told us that the US have been willing to help of 2.9 million US dollars," Siti stated, in Jakarta, Friday (13/11).Siti explained, the Ministry...

Ahmad Syafii Maarif

Selasa , 03 Nov 2015, 17:47 WIB

Smog disaster is intentional

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Selasa , 03 Nov 2015, 01:23 WIB

Only want to serve people


Senin , 02 Nov 2015, 14:14 WIB

Victims of smog in Riau reach 97,139 people

Jusuf Kalla

Ahad , 01 Nov 2015, 22:35 WIB

Jusuf Kalla holds Istisqo prayer to ask for rain

Jusuf Kalla

Ahad , 01 Nov 2015, 21:00 WIB

VP: Peatland restoration prevents forest fires