Kamis , 12 Sep 2013, 21:14 WIB
Banyak Aplikasi Permainan 'Smartphone' Merugikan
CANBERRA -- Badan pengawas konsumen belum mengambil tindakan soal aplikasi atau apps permainan yang sering dikatakan gratis, tetapi akhirnya perlu bayar juga untuk meneruskan permainan. Lebih dari 50 badan perlindungan...
Selasa , 01 Jan 2013, 22:00 WIB
New regulation on mobile phone issued
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Ministry of Trade issued a new regulation to rule the import of cellular phone (cellphone), and tablet PC. The Ministerial Regulation No 82/M-DAG/PER/12/2012 is aimed to support Health, Environmental and Safety as well as the future industrialization of cellular phone. "Customers must be protected over products which do not meet standard requirements. Every imported cellular phone, and...