Rabu , 02 Nov 2016, 14:03 WIB
TNI Siap Kawal Pesta Demokrasi Pilkada Serentak

Senin , 24 Oct 2016, 17:40 WIB
Panglima: TNI Siap Amankan Pilkada Serentak
Sabtu , 22 Oct 2016, 23:12 WIB
Panglima: Senjata Pindad Begitu Terkenal di Luar Negeri

Sabtu , 22 Oct 2016, 08:21 WIB
Panglima TNI: Terorisme adalah Kejahatan Terhadap Negara

Rabu , 05 Oct 2016, 05:48 WIB
Panglima Berharap TNI Punya Hak Politik

Selasa , 04 Oct 2016, 20:08 WIB
'Army chief statement is troubling the people'

Selasa , 27 Sep 2016, 22:22 WIB
Panglima TNI : Pemuda Harus Menjadi Benteng Terdepan NKRI

Senin , 26 Sep 2016, 16:34 WIB
Panglima: Harga Mati Natuna Milik NKRI

Kamis , 22 Sep 2016, 06:54 WIB
Panglima Pastikan Tindak Tegas Prajurit yang tak Netral di Pilkada 2017

Senin , 19 Sep 2016, 20:22 WIB
Panglima TNI: Senjata Saya Bagus Buatan Pindad

Senin , 29 Aug 2016, 05:25 WIB
Panglima TNI: Dana Teroris ke Indonesia Paling Besar dari Australia

Sabtu , 20 Aug 2016, 09:21 WIB
Military chief protests Singapore's action against former military officer

Military chief: Special forces ready to free hostages
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian military Chief Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo said Indonesian military (TNI) special forces have been ready anytime to set free Indonesian hostages held by Abu Sayyaf group in the Philippine jungles."Each operation unit of special forces has been ordered to be ready if Indonesia is given an opportunity to launch operation to set free the hostages," Gatot...

Senin , 11 Jul 2016, 22:02 WIB
TNI considering stationing soldiers on board ships to prevent abductions

Sabtu , 02 Jul 2016, 03:23 WIB
Panglima TNI: Patroli Bersama Indonesia-Filipina Masih Konsep

Sabtu , 02 Jul 2016, 00:01 WIB
Soal WNI yang Disandera di Filipina, Panglima TNI: Indonesia tak akan Bayar Tebusan

Jumat , 24 Jun 2016, 21:48 WIB
Panglima TNI: Kita Siap Patroli Bersama Filipina

Senin , 13 Jun 2016, 07:22 WIB
Kemenhan Ingin Punya Intelijen, Ini Kata Panglima TNI

Kamis , 02 Jun 2016, 06:08 WIB
Pulau-Pulau Strategis Bakal Difungsikan Sebagai Kapal Induk

Senin , 30 May 2016, 20:57 WIB
Panglima: Pemberantasan Terorisme Bagian dari Tugas Pokok TNI

Ahad , 01 May 2016, 23:00 WIB
TNI Commander: Four hostages still have yet to be released

Ahad , 01 May 2016, 22:52 WIB
Indonesia needs more submarines

Jumat , 29 Apr 2016, 06:55 WIB
Panglima TNI: Presiden Pulang Kampung ke Papua

Rabu , 27 Apr 2016, 22:00 WIB
Gatot Nurmantyo reiterates declaration of war on drugs

Rabu , 27 Apr 2016, 12:00 WIB
Panglima TNI Nilai Kejujuran Anak Muda Sudah Luntur

Selasa , 26 Apr 2016, 17:07 WIB
Panglima TNI Isi Kuliah di Unila

Nurmatyo: Philippines can still handle hostage situation
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- The Philippine government can still handle the Abu Sayyaf group to secure the release of 10 Indonesian sailors held hostage in the Philippines, according to Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo."We have to laud what is being done by the Philippine government as stated by Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi," the TNI chief noted on...

Selasa , 01 Mar 2016, 15:45 WIB
Indonesian military intensifies security ahead of OIC Summit

Selasa , 01 Mar 2016, 14:48 WIB
Panglima TNI Benarkan Ada Penembakan Anggota Santoso di Poso

Sabtu , 27 Feb 2016, 23:29 WIB
Panglima TNI: Ancaman Perang Proksi Semakin Nyata

Sabtu , 27 Feb 2016, 12:41 WIB
Personel Rentan Terlibat Narkoba, Ini Jawaban Panglima TNI

Selasa , 23 Feb 2016, 20:31 WIB
TNI Bakal Bangun Pangkalan Udara di Indonesia Timur

Jumat , 29 Jan 2016, 22:01 WIB
Commander: Poso not to become military emergency zone

Selasa , 19 Jan 2016, 11:57 WIB
TNI tak Pernah Cawe-Cawe Revisi UU Terorisme

Jumat , 08 Jan 2016, 05:00 WIB
TNI to strengthen its presence on outlying islands

Kamis , 07 Jan 2016, 13:43 WIB