Ahad , 15 Dec 2024, 20:01 WIB
Pesan Habib Taufiq Soal Alquran di Haul Habib Jafar bin Syaikhon Assegaf
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Berbondong-bondong umat Islam banyak yang menghadiri haul ke-71 Habib Jafar bin Syaikhon Assegaf di Masjid Jami Pasuruan, Jawa Timur pada Ahad, (15/12/2024). Di sela-sela haul Habib Jafar...
Selasa , 26 Dec 2023, 06:46 WIB
The 70th Haul of Habib Jafar bin Shaykhon Assegaf, This is His Inspirational Legacy
REPUBLICA.CO.ID, PASURUAN — Tens of thousands of people attended the 70th Haul of Akbar Habib Ja'far bin Shaikhon Assegaf at Al Anwar Mosque, Pasuruan City. In eastern Java, Ja'far is known as an expert on the Quran and sufi order. Habib Ja'far's Haul event begins with a reading of the Manakib or his biography, including the traditions and traits of...
Senin , 25 Dec 2023, 16:19 WIB
Haul ke-70 Habib Jafar bin Syaikhon Assegaf, Ini Amalan yang Perlu Diteladani
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PASURUAN – Puluhan ribu orang menghadiri Haul Akbar...