Kamis , 11 Jan 2024, 00:37 WIB
Nabi Daud: Mengapa Allah Menciptakan Ulat? Begini Jawaban Ulat yang Ditulis Al Ghazali
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Selalu ada hikmah dari orang-orang saleh dahulu. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang banyak menghabiskan waktu untuk mengagungkan asma Allah dalam keseharian. Salah satunya adalah Nabi Daud alaihissalam. Suatu ketika,...
Rabu , 10 Jan 2024, 22:22 WIB
Prophet David: Why Did God Create Caterpillars? The Answer Was Written by Al-Ghazali
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — There is always wisdom from the shaleh people of yore. They are the ones who spend a lot of time glorifying God's asthma in their daily lives. One of them is the Prophet David alaihissalam. At one time, David was busy thinking. Then he took the fruit. Inside the fruit are caterpillars. Then the well-known Prophet David...
Selasa , 15 Feb 2022, 10:52 WIB
5 Hikmah dari Tanda-Tanda Kekuasaan Allah SWT di Muka Bumi dan Alasannya
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Alquran dalam surat Ar Rad ayat 2...