Sabtu , 08 Dec 2018, 12:28 WIB
Suprarasional dan SDM Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID Oleh : Ridwan Hasan Saputra Tulisan ini berisi ide saya tentang program peningkatan kualitas sumberdaya manusia yang akan dilaksanakan pemerintah di tahun 2019. Saya sebagai warga negara Indonesia tergerak...
Sabtu , 25 Mar 2017, 06:03 WIB
Indonesia ranked 113 on human development index: UNDP
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) said Indonesia has been ranked 113th among 188 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI), comprising per capita income, life expectancy, and education indicators. "Ranked 113th among 188 countries, Indonesia is among the best performers with regards to HDI in the Asia Pacific," Country Director of UNDP Indonesia, Christophe Bahuet noted...
Selasa , 16 Jul 2013, 14:19 WIB
BKKBN: Kualitas Penduduk Indonesia Urutan 121 Dunia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANTUL -- Kualitas penduduk Indonesia berdasarkan Human Development...