Rabu , 19 Aug 2015, 13:00 WIB
KKP needs mother ships to help stamp out illegal fishing
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK -- Maritime and Fisheries Ministry needs a number of mother ships to secure Indonesian seas from illegal fishing, an official of the ministry said.However, Director General of...
Selasa , 18 Aug 2015, 22:30 WIB
Ministry to sink 38 illegal ships
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK –- Prosecutor team of the High Court of West Kalimantan handed over 15 illegal ships of fish thieves to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to be drowned. The handover was done at the Coastal Fishing Port in Rengas River, Pontianak, Tuesday (18/8).The prosecution team led by Assistant Attorney General of Criminal High Court of West...
Selasa , 18 Aug 2015, 15:34 WIB
Prosecutor office hands over 15 fishing vessels to be destroyed
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK -- The West Kalimantan high prosecution office...