Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 19:15 WIB
Indonesian rupiah strengthens on new president's inauguration day

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 19:04 WIB
Observer: Presence of Prabowo and Hatta has cooling effect to nation's political climate

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 18:17 WIB
Jokowi vows to restore Indonesia's maritime glory

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 16:29 WIB
Envoy: President Putin hopes to meet President Jokowi soon

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 14:39 WIB
Jokowi calls Prabowo his best friend

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 14:23 WIB
Indonesia leads among Asia's stock rises on Monday

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 14:07 WIB
Kerry in Indonesia seeking Asian support against Islamic state

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 14:00 WIB
Foreign state's representatives attend RI's presidential inauguration in MPR

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 13:44 WIB
Malaysia wishes to strengthen cooperation with Indonesia under President Jokowi

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 13:20 WIB
Norwegian ambassador impressed by Jokowi's influence on public

Senin , 20 Oct 2014, 11:01 WIB
John Kerry attends RI Jokowi-JK inauguration

Sabtu , 18 Oct 2014, 10:32 WIB
MPR to invite Amien Rais for presidential inauguration

Police allow Jokowi's supporters to hold post-inauguration procession
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Police will allow Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's supporters to hold a post-inauguration procession to escort the new President and Vice-President to the State Palace on October 20, said the chief of police. "No problem if they (the Jokowi's supporters) hold a procession from Hotel Indonesia Roundabout to the State Palace," Indonesian Police Chief General Sutarman stated on Wednesday. Earlier, the...

Rabu , 15 Oct 2014, 18:39 WIB
Nine heads of state and some ministers to attend Jokowi's inauguration

Senin , 15 Oct 2012, 18:32 WIB
Jokowi and the speculation that lingers

Senin , 15 Oct 2012, 17:17 WIB