Rabu , 15 May 2024, 06:20 WIB
Undang Jurnalis Cina, KBRI Beijing Gelar Acara ''Indonesian Update''
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Jurnalis Republika Kamran Dikarma melaporkan dari Beijing, Cina Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) untuk Cina menggelar acara temu media di Restoran Warisan Roemah Indonesia, Beijing, Selasa (14/5/2024). Mengusung tema...
Jumat , 12 Jun 2020, 02:26 WIB
Indonesian Update: Covid-19 Patients Died to Reach 2,000
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The number of positive Covid-19 patients in Indonesia who died has increased by 41 people in the past day. Thus, the number of patients who died with a positive status of Covid-19 in the country reached 2,000 people. This figure was achieved within a period of approximately three months, since the first Covid-19 case in Indonesia was...