Senin , 14 May 2018, 17:48 WIB
Dari Mana Munculnya JAD yang Dilabeli Teroris?

Senin , 14 May 2018, 08:05 WIB
Analisis Sementara Polri Terkait Maraknya Aksi Teror

Ahad , 13 May 2018, 21:25 WIB
In Picture: Densus 88 Geledah Rumah Terduga Teroris JAD di Tambun

Ahad , 13 May 2018, 20:01 WIB
Kapolri akan Operasi Sel-Sel Kelompok JAD dan JAT

Kamis , 15 Feb 2018, 22:51 WIB
Polri: Muhammad Jefri dkk Anggota JAD

Jumat , 12 Jan 2018, 20:04 WIB
Pemerintah Belum Bisa Pastikan Keberadaan Bahrun Naim

Rabu , 10 Jan 2018, 23:44 WIB
Satu Anggota JAD Diduga Bersembunyi di Nunukan

Jumat , 08 Dec 2017, 16:35 WIB
Polri Ajak Negara Lain Ungkap Misteri Kematian Bahrun Naim

Selasa , 05 Dec 2017, 16:06 WIB
Kapolri: Keberadaan Bahrun Naim Masih Dilacak

Senin , 04 Dec 2017, 17:29 WIB
Kemenlu Belum Bisa Pastikan Tewasnya Bahrun Naim

Senin , 04 Dec 2017, 16:22 WIB
Polri: Bahrun Naim Terakhir Kali Terlihat di Suriah

Senin , 04 Dec 2017, 15:40 WIB
Polri Belum Terima Konfirmasi Tewasnya Bahrun Naim

Police says suspected terrorists in Bandung linked to JAD
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Five alleged terrorists, who were arrested in Antapani and Kiaracondong regions of Bandung, are linked to Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Bandung Raya network, West Java police spokesman Senior Commissioner Yusri Yunus said. "The five suspects are part of JAD group under Bahrul Naim, ISIS," Yusri stated here on Tuesday. The suspects, identified with their initials Y, AK, AR,...