Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:02 WIB
President orders Ahok's religious blasphemy case exposed to public
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:00 WIB
Buni Yani potential to be suspect: Police said
Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 03:29 WIB
During November 4th rally, President will be at the Presidential Palace

Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 00:37 WIB
Donations for November 4th rally reaches Rp 1.5 billion
Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 00:18 WIB
Jakarta Police Chief confirms November 4th rally after friday prayers

Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 00:00 WIB
Amazing rally and the elegance of Indonesian Muslims

Kamis , 03 Nov 2016, 00:25 WIB
Nahdlatul Ulama orders its followers to vote Muslim candidate

Kamis , 03 Nov 2016, 00:02 WIB
Jakarta Police Chief meets leaders of November 4th rally

Rabu , 02 Nov 2016, 22:11 WIB
Being shouted on impromptu visit, Ahok: It was just a few people

Sabtu , 29 Oct 2016, 20:51 WIB
Three pair candidates agree to campaign in peacefully
Sabtu , 29 Oct 2016, 05:00 WIB
Madura ulamas write to president over Ahok's alleged blasphemy case

Sabtu , 29 Oct 2016, 00:00 WIB
'There will be another Ahok without law enforcement in religious blasphemy case'
'If the police is fair, it will be difficult for Ahok circumvent the law'
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political observer from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Siti Zuhro said it would be difficult for Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to circumvent the law when the police is fair. Moreover, if the legal facts were available. "In the contrary, if the public knew Ahok legal process was fashioned, it would trigger disappointment and chafe among Muslims...

Jumat , 21 Oct 2016, 23:17 WIB
JakTV launches Jakarta gubernatorial election channel

Jumat , 21 Oct 2016, 00:18 WIB
'Laptop for Election Commission originates from non-budgetary fund'
Kamis , 20 Oct 2016, 01:02 WIB
Australian media says Jakarta governor impulsive, yet popular
Rabu , 19 Oct 2016, 00:00 WIB
'Jakarta governor is trespassing other religion territory'

Senin , 17 Oct 2016, 23:35 WIB
'Amien Rais is not the only one who wants to bring Ahok into justice'
Senin , 17 Oct 2016, 23:00 WIB
'None of Alquran verse guides people to the wrong path'

Senin , 17 Oct 2016, 02:30 WIB
Insulting the Quran, Turkish media eyes on Jakarta's governor

Rabu , 12 Oct 2016, 22:00 WIB
'Let's be the knight of Al Maidah verse 51'
Rabu , 12 Oct 2016, 01:00 WIB
MUI: Ahok statement is a blasphemy and has legal consequences
Selasa , 11 Oct 2016, 00:03 WIB
Jakarta Governor apologizes for offending Muslims
Senin , 10 Oct 2016, 03:00 WIB
Political observer: Having equal opponents, Ahok is sweating
Jumat , 07 Oct 2016, 23:03 WIB
Bareskrim will process report on religious blasphemy by Ahok

'We should not attack Ahok, but let's not vote for him'
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta deputy governor candidate Sandiaga Uno has urged his supporters not revenge due to allegations from Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) which accused him not paying taxes. He committed running democracy without invective. Sandiaga told his supporter not to attack Ahok. Let's escort him to the end of his governship with esteem, with no accusations....

Senin , 19 Sep 2016, 23:09 WIB
Nine recommendations for Muslims about Jakarta gubernatorial election

Selasa , 16 Oct 2012, 19:32 WIB
Jokowi shares responsibilities with his deputy

Sabtu , 13 Oct 2012, 21:45 WIB
Jokowi will be installed as Jakarta governor on Monday

Selasa , 09 Oct 2012, 17:02 WIB
President signs the decree on new Governor of Jakarta

Senin , 08 Oct 2012, 21:26 WIB
Jokowi tops survey of young presidential candidates 2014

Sabtu , 29 Sep 2012, 21:06 WIB
Jokowi officially becomes the next Governor of Jakarta

Kamis , 20 Sep 2012, 17:40 WIB
Quick Count: Jokowi-Ahok win Jakarta Gubernatorial Election

Sabtu , 15 Sep 2012, 22:50 WIB
Jokowi: Start development from slum areas

Kamis , 23 Aug 2012, 21:41 WIB