Selasa , 27 Feb 2018, 21:19 WIB
Presiden: Jangan Terus Impor Obat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Presiden Joko Widodo mengingatkan, industri farmasi dalam negeri agar melakukan inovasi produksi obat sendiri. Dengan demikian, Indonesia tidak terus menerus mengimpor obat."Jangan sampai kita impor, impor,...
Selasa , 27 Feb 2018, 15:58 WIB
'Pharmaceutical companies must reduce dependence on import'
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked pharmaceutical industrialists to be more innovative to reduce Indonesia's dependence on import for pharmaceutical products. He conveyed the message when officially commissioning a pharmaceutical factory at the Industrial Estate of Delta Silicon, Cikarang, West Java on Tuesday. "Let us think of investment to produce pharmaceuticals for which we are still dependent on...