Selasa , 30 Jan 2018, 12:49 WIB
Suspected assailant of Kiai Umar has psychiatric disorder
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON -- West Java and Bandung Metro Police have arrested a suspected assailant in the case of attack to Kiai Umar Basyri (60). Based on an preliminary examination...
Senin , 29 Jan 2018, 19:34 WIB
ICMI West Java condemns brutal attack to Kiai Umar Basyri
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Council of Indonesian Muslim Intelectuals Association (ICMI) in West Java strongly condemned the assailant who had attack Kiai Umar Basyri (60). The clerics at Al Hidayah Islamic boarding school (pesantren) mosque in Cicalengka, Bandung. was attacked by unidentified assailant on last January 27 at around 05:35 am. Law and Human Rights ICMI West Java chief, Cecep Suhadirman said the attack...