Senin 29 Jan 2018 19:34 WIB

ICMI West Java condemns brutal attack to Kiai Umar Basyri

An assailant attacks Kiai Umar after performing congregational dawn prayers.

Rep: Adinda Pryanka, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Kiai Umar Basyri is treated at the hospital after being attack by unidentified assailant in Cicalengka, Bandung, Saturday (Jan 27) morning.
Foto: Istimewa
Kiai Umar Basyri is treated at the hospital after being attack by unidentified assailant in Cicalengka, Bandung, Saturday (Jan 27) morning.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Council of Indonesian Muslim Intelectuals Association (ICMI) in West Java strongly condemned the assailant who had attack Kiai Umar Basyri (60). The clerics at Al Hidayah Islamic boarding school (pesantren) mosque in Cicalengka, Bandung. was attacked by unidentified assailant on last January 27 at around 05:35 am.

Law and Human Rights ICMI West Java chief, Cecep Suhadirman said the attack is barbaric and non-humane act. He said ICMI really concern about this case, moreover because West Java now is preparing for the gubernatorial and also regional election.

"We hope police will immediately solve this case. We are worry if this case is processed slowly, it will trigger other excesses," said Cecep on Monday (Jan 29).

According to Cecep, the case is still being investigate by the police. Crime scene investigation has been done. The police also have examined a number of witnesses. 

Cecep said, the assailant who wore blue shirt performed dawn prayers with other congregation. The man stayed at the mosque while other congregation have left after praying. As he always did, Kiai Umar sat at the imam corner and continued to dhikr with the lights off. 

The assailant then approached to Kiai Umar, kicked a wooden box and hit the victim brutally. Kiai Umar severely wounded and was rushed to AMC Cileunyi hospital, Bandung. From a photograph sent by Cecep, Kiai Umar condition has looked better despite bruises on his face. 

Meanwhile, Head of Law Commission of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Baharun expressed his grief over the case. He said the persecution case against Umar reminded him of 1948 period or during Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) rebellion in Madiun, and events ahead of Gestapu back in 1965. At those times, clerics were often tortured until death.

"The clerics should be aware and the state must present to prevent the recurring of similar crime," said Baharun.

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