Rabu , 02 Sep 2020, 05:21 WIB
BPS: Harga Beras Premium Naik Menjadi Rp 9.963 Perkilogram
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA--Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat kenaikan harga beras kualitas premium sebesar 0,31 persen menjadi Rp 9.963 per kilogram pada Agustus 2020. Sedangkan beras kualitas premium di penggilingan naik...
Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 08:31 WIB
Loan sharks entangle hundreds of small-medium-scale businessmen
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIANUR -- Hundreds of small-and-medium scale enterprises (UKM) in Cianjur District, West Java and Makassar, South Sulawesi are still indebted to loan sharks, spokesmen said.Head of the Cianjur small-and-medium scale cooperatives, Ridwan Ilyasin and a representative of Makassar fishermen made the remarks separately.Ridwan Ilyasin said on Wednesday that it will be difficult for business people, to expand their...