Senin , 19 Sep 2016, 13:14 WIB
Negara Melanesia Belajar Olah Produk Pertanian di Malang
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG -- Tiga negara melanesia mengirimkan perwakilannya untuk belajar mengolah produk pertanian di Kabupaten Malang. Delapan orang dari Vanuatu, Fiji, dan Papua Nugini mempelajari pengolahan ubi, pisang, dan...
Jumat , 01 Apr 2016, 17:50 WIB
PNG supports Indonesia to become member on Melanesian spearhead group
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PORT MORESBY -- The Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has supported Indonesia to get the status of associative member of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) and later become a full member in due course of time.Indonesia's application to become a full MSG member was being processed, and thereafter, the way to obtain the full membership status would...
Senin , 01 Feb 2016, 21:12 WIB
Politicizing Melanesian issue of Papua is meaningless
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By : Erlangga Pratama *) Politic and defense...