Senin 01 Feb 2016 21:12 WIB

Politicizing Melanesian issue of Papua is meaningless

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By : Erlangga Pratama *) Politic and defense observer

Recently a general election was held in Vanuatu to elect the new government of this democratic country in the South of Pacific. We ought to congratulate this important democratic process of this country. Indonesia being one of the country of Pacific has a good relation with all the countries of South Pacific included Vanuatu both bilaterally and mutually through the Pacific Cooperation.

Unfortunately a group of people of Papua are always trying to manipulate the similarity of racial identity namely the Melanesian as a political issue that confronting Vanuatu and Indonesia. This group which claims as the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) represented by Benny Wenda had recently manipulated the general election of Vanuatu as a political action to raise the issue of the Freedom of Papua through the media in London.

The Melanesia brotherhood is the political issue that was always used by the Papuan separatist to expose the existence of the Separatist Movement  of Papua   in the international forum.  The objective of the Papuan separatist  to raise the issue of the Papuan freedom  is to invite the international attention  especially the United  Nations  in order to  put  Papua as one of the territory in South Pacific  that should be put under the de-colonization program of the United Nations.

This  objective is clearly an old political issue because under the supervision of the United Nations the self determination process had been done in Papua in the year of 1969 and the representatives of the people of Papua  decided  that Papua as a part of Indonesia. Clearly The United Nations and the people of the world respected this decision and since then all the democratic countries in the world recognize Papua has been a part of Indonesia. Indonesian Freedom Fighters in 1945 has decided  that all the racial tribes  existing in Indonesia included those of the Melanesian heritage living in Papua, are Indonesian. Indonesian  motto is Bhineka Tunggal Ika, means we are consisting of various racial tribes, but we are one nation, Indonesia.

However a  group of the Papuan separatist has appointed Benny Wenda,  one of the  Papuan youth to stay in London and  to act as the speaker of the separatist movement (ULMWP). His mission is continuously   trying to look for the moment in order to raise the demand  of  the freedom  of Papua internationally.  

Believed to be supported  by a certain foreign  scholar, Benny Wenda has appeared in the media and  raised  his comment on  any  political issue concerning the countries  in the South Pacific in the connection  with  the demand of his group for the freedom  of Papua.

Recently a general election was held in Vanuatu  a country in the South Pasific, it is believed supported by a certain foreign scholar Benny Wenda has raised in the London media  respecting Vanuatu  as one of the Melanesian State  which was active to support the Movement of The Liberation of Papua.

The issue  of  the freedom of Papua  actually no more existing. Papua has been established as two advanced Provinces in the most eastern part of Indonesia, namely the Province of West Papua and the Province of Papua. Under the special autonomous Program those two Provinces of Papua have developed tremendously.

Vanuatu apparently had not made any comment concerning the freedom of Papua observing the fact  of the development of the two Provinces in Papua. Politically democratic system was applied perfectly in Papua and economically the special autonomous of Papua is clear fact of the attention of the Central Government of Indonesia on the social and economic development of Papua as a part of Indonesia.  With the advanced situation in Papua, Vanuatu has not likely to have the idea raising the demand for the freedom of Papua.

The officials of the Countries of the South Pacific among other Vanuatu had many times  came to Papua to see the situation of Papua .  They were surprised apparently Papua has been developed   modernly and may be similar to the development of  other countries of South Pacific  which are  identified  as Melanesian countries.

Those countries of the South Pacific are always talking about the Melanesian  brotherhood   which  is believed just  a diplomatic issue to establish a good diplomatic relations among them. The idea of a certain people of Papua  such as Benny Wenda to politicize Melanesian issue  to be used as freedom issue is apparently exaggerated  and  meaningless.

Indonesia has good relations with all the countries of the South Pacific included Vanuatu. The tactical effort of Beny Wenda  to create  a diplomatic problem between Indonesia and Vanuatu  is dirty game that was meaningless.

Indonesia never made any attack or complaint and protest to Vanuatu as mentioned by Benny Wenda because Indonesia describes Vanuatu as the gate for Indonesian to establish the cooperation and partnership with the countries of the South Pacific.   Indonesia has always met Vanuatu in the forum of the cooperation of South Pacific and the two countries relied that   Indonesia and Vanuatu to have many  various economic interests  that could be solved through the  economic  cooperation.

The chance of Benny Wenda to live in London is believed to be  based more  on humanism consideration of the British government  rather than  to support  Beny Wenda interest.   The British government officially recognizes Papua as a part of Indonesia. The media statement by Beny Wenda manipulating the Melanesian issue concerning the general election of Vanuatu is meaningless.

Indonesia has cordial cooperation with Vanuatu, though occasionally Vanuatu raised the Melanesian issue, but it is just likely a diplomatic issue to create the  good cooperation  among the countries of the South Pacific. The role of the existing a political figure such as Benny Wenda is also meaningless and diminishing.

The Papuan people will be likely more busy to think how to response the various development program offered by the Central Government rather than to think on the issue of the demanding freedom of Papua.

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