Senin , 04 Dec 2017, 16:03 WIB
Narcotics agency seizes 13 million PCC pills in Semarang

Kamis , 02 Nov 2017, 01:01 WIB
Police arrest suspects of syndicate distributing vapor drugs

Rabu , 11 Oct 2017, 15:17 WIB
Jokowi reminds Jakarta students to avoid drugs

Jumat , 06 Oct 2017, 20:08 WIB
Drug trafficker of Indonesia-Malaysia ring shot dead by BNN

Rabu , 04 Oct 2017, 15:54 WIB
Indonesia is fighting proxy war against drug trafficking

Jumat , 15 Sep 2017, 19:01 WIB
Golkar party politician gets drugs addiction rehabilitation

Selasa , 12 Sep 2017, 17:37 WIB
BNN seizes 1.2 kg meth from two countries in Jambi

Rabu , 02 Aug 2017, 05:10 WIB
Police, Finance Ministry seize 1.2 million ecstasy

Rabu , 14 Jun 2017, 00:46 WIB
BNN finds luxurious room in Cipinang prison

Selasa , 13 Jun 2017, 16:29 WIB
BNN seizes Rp39 billion from Freddy Budiman's network

Kamis , 24 Nov 2016, 01:00 WIB
Langkat Police destroys 53kg of marijuana

Kamis , 04 Aug 2016, 22:56 WIB
Narcotics more dangerous than terrorism

President: 50 percent of narcotics circulated in prisons
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has estimated that about 50 percent illegal drugs in Indonesia are circulated through correctional institutes."I think about 50 percent of narcotics circulation take place there," the President said while opening a limited meeting on elimination of narcotics and a rehabilitation program for drug victims at the Presidential Office here Wednesday.Therefore, Jokowi, who...

Selasa , 12 Jan 2016, 14:06 WIB
Batam still becomes favorite place for international narcotic mafias

Rabu , 24 Jun 2015, 19:33 WIB
52 citizens in detention in China over narcotics cases

Selasa , 24 Feb 2015, 16:06 WIB
Army special forces commander calls on members to fight narcotic drugs

Senin , 12 Jan 2015, 19:35 WIB
Tunisian border police seize three tonnes of narcotics

Kamis , 18 Dec 2014, 05:39 WIB
Alabama police find heroin in toddler's diaper, arrest father

Senin , 01 Sep 2014, 23:00 WIB
Indonesian police not to intervene the arrest of its personnel in Malaysia

Senin , 01 Sep 2014, 00:58 WIB
Two Indonesian police officers arrested in Malaysia over narcotics

Selasa , 27 May 2014, 23:59 WIB
Screening of passengers from Malaysia, China increased over narcotics smuggling

Sabtu , 28 Dec 2013, 23:00 WIB
Police handle over 32 thousand drug cases in 2013

Ahad , 21 Jul 2013, 00:40 WIB
Narcotics cause Indonesian loss sorth 57 trillion IDR

Selasa , 25 Jun 2013, 11:03 WIB
Agency: Drug addicts in Indonesia reach four millons

Jumat , 07 Jun 2013, 23:11 WIB
Seven international ports in Batam prone of drugs smuggling

Senin , 29 Apr 2013, 18:43 WIB
Medan still a transit city for illegal drugs from Malaysia

Raffi Ahmad named as suspect in drug case
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - National Narcotics Agency (BNN) names Indonesian TV host Raffi Ahmad as a suspect as he positively used methylone, stimulant of cathinone. Raffi was arrested on Sunday morning during raid in his house. "Lab result came back positive. Raffi was using methylone," Spokesman of BNN, Sumirat Dwiyanto, announced on Friday during press conference. Raffi is charged with multiple...

Ahad , 27 Jan 2013, 23:01 WIB
Celebrities and politician among 17 caught using drugs

Ahad , 27 Jan 2013, 22:25 WIB
PAN to expel Wanda Hamidah if found guilty

Rabu , 13 Jun 2012, 20:37 WIB
VP: Beware of Narcoterrorism

Senin , 04 Jun 2012, 21:07 WIB