Ahad , 02 Feb 2020, 06:15 WIB
Oke Oce dan TDA Diharapkan Ciptakan Jutaan Lapangan Kerja

Kamis , 09 Jan 2020, 22:42 WIB
Bantu DKI, OK OCE Targetkan 200 Ribu Wirausaha di 2022

Jumat , 18 Oct 2019, 22:53 WIB
Sandiaga tidak Permasalahkan Ok Oce Diubah

Selasa , 02 Jul 2019, 16:46 WIB
Sandiaga Uno to take a break from politics

Sabtu , 06 Apr 2019, 23:17 WIB
Oke Oce Bisa Dikembangkan Secara Nasional

Selasa , 12 Feb 2019, 07:39 WIB
Sandi Janji Buat Gerak OK OCE untuk Milenial di Tegal

Senin , 26 Nov 2018, 23:51 WIB
Pemkot Jakarta Timur Bertekad Tingkatkan Industri Pariwisata

Kamis , 18 Oct 2018, 15:25 WIB
Sandiaga promises to form a national OK OCE, if elected

Selasa , 16 Oct 2018, 19:28 WIB
Anggota DPRD DKI Pertanyakan Arah OKE OCE

Sabtu , 22 Sep 2018, 05:07 WIB
Jutaan Batang Rokok Ilegal Diamankan

Rabu , 12 Sep 2018, 09:00 WIB
Temui TGUPP, Sandi Minta Kejelasan Tanggung Jawabnya

Senin , 10 Sep 2018, 00:39 WIB
Ketua Gerakan OK OCE Heran Programnya Dituduh tak Jalan

Millennials like something genuine: Sandiaga
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, the running mate of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto said millennials who dominate in the upcoming presidential election prefer something which is not artificial and which is relevant. According to him, the millennials will cover almost 35 percent of new voters. So presidential and vice candidate candidates must be able to produce original concepts."The...

Selasa , 19 Dec 2017, 18:13 WIB
Sandiaga Resmikan Warung Ayam Goreng OKE OCE

Senin , 27 Nov 2017, 05:40 WIB
OK OCE Sudah Disosialisasikan di 27 Kecamatan

Ahad , 26 Nov 2017, 09:43 WIB
Hitungan Sandiaga Uno untuk Sumbangan Lapangan Kerja OK OCE

Senin , 16 Oct 2017, 21:05 WIB
Warga Berharap Ok Oce Dapat Terus Dimaksimalkan

Jumat , 02 Jun 2017, 14:09 WIB
Sandiaga: OK OCE tak Masuk APBD

Senin , 22 May 2017, 18:40 WIB
Kepala Bappeda DKI: OKE OCE Cocok dengan Program Pemprov DKI

Rabu , 26 Apr 2017, 18:23 WIB