Rabu , 18 Mar 2015, 19:57 WIB
Universities from Indonesia, Japan to jointly research traditional paddy

Rabu , 24 Jul 2013, 06:41 WIB
Senin , 13 Mar 2017, 18:30 WIB
PALU -- Central Sulawesi managed to achieve a surplus in rice production, reaching 280 thousand tons in 2016, according to a local official. "The surplus increased as compared to...
Senin , 13 Feb 2017, 16:59 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LEBAK -- Floods submerged 1,273.25 hectares (ha) of paddy fields in Lebak District, Banten Province, inflicting material losses worth billions of rupiah. "We hope the Agriculture Ministry would help by offering compensation for the losses incurred, as the paddy fields were ravaged by floods. Hence, after receiving the aid, the farmers could speed up replanting," Itan Oktarianto of...
Rabu , 03 Aug 2016, 21:27 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA -- The Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran...
Ahad , 22 May 2016, 18:53 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MATARAM -- West Nusa Tenggara NTB) has completed...
Rabu , 18 Mar 2015, 19:59 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- State forestry company Perum Perhutani is...
Rabu , 18 Mar 2015, 19:57 WIB
Rabu , 24 Jul 2013, 06:41 WIB