Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 16:35 WIB
Copper contributes to trade surplus in December 2013
Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 17:00 WIB
UGM team turns palm oil dregs into fuel
Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 17:04 WIB
Indonesia rejects EU's anti-dumping duties on biodiesel
Rabu , 25 Sep 2013, 23:59 WIB
Indonesia targets 50 companies to have ISPO certificates
Ahad , 15 Sep 2013, 06:22 WIB
EU biofuel policy threatens Indonesian export
Rabu , 11 Sep 2013, 00:09 WIB
Three NGOs urge revision on EU biofuel policy
Kamis , 08 Aug 2013, 00:49 WIB
Govt plans to apply ISPO to plasma farmers
Sabtu , 01 Jun 2013, 22:33 WIB
The Philippines offers Indonesia to open palm oil plantation
Senin , 27 May 2013, 21:19 WIB
Two biggest palm oil companies buy back shares
Sabtu , 18 May 2013, 22:37 WIB
GAPKI: Indonesian CPO faces criticism from certain countries
Rabu , 15 May 2013, 20:56 WIB
Indonesia ambitious to be no 1 in oleochemicals industry
Rabu , 08 May 2013, 23:46 WIB
Indonesia to export 19 million tons of CPO
Almost four million Indonesians live on palm oil
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAMUJU - About 3.7 million people in Indonesia lived on oil palm plantations, a senior agriculture ministry said. Indonesia is the world`s largest crude palm oil (CPO) producer with an annual production of 25.5 million tonnes. Speaking to a seminar at Santika Hotel here on Friday, Secretary of the Directorate General of Agriculture Mukti Sardjono said that oil palm...
Selasa , 29 Jan 2013, 19:21 WIB
Govt increases CPO export tax
Selasa , 08 Jan 2013, 19:19 WIB
Export target of CPO set at 21 million tonnes in 2013
Senin , 07 Jan 2013, 19:50 WIB
Export value from North Sumatera to India worth 1.250 billion USD
Kamis , 20 Dec 2012, 21:01 WIB
Harga CPO Terus Merosot
Selasa , 20 Nov 2012, 11:22 WIB
Subsidi Masih Tinggi, CPO Belum Bisa Gantikan BBM
Senin , 19 Nov 2012, 19:45 WIB
Indonesia responds to France's CPO tax plan
Ahad , 04 Nov 2012, 20:00 WIB
Govt seeks right policy for export duty of CPO
Ahad , 14 Oct 2012, 23:35 WIB
Indonesian CPO listed as an eco-friendly commodity, but...
Jumat , 12 Oct 2012, 21:00 WIB
Indonesia to welcome the visit of EPA
Rabu , 10 Oct 2012, 15:38 WIB
Indonesia, Malaysia agree on CPO production quota
Ahad , 16 Sep 2012, 22:16 WIB
EPA to survey Indonesian CPO in October
Senin , 07 May 2012, 23:46 WIB
Indonesia files official response to EPA over oil palm
Jumat , 23 Mar 2012, 17:05 WIB
The CPO battle continues!
Rabu , 04 Jan 2012, 19:53 WIB
Eropa Boleh Krisis, Ekspor CPO Tetap Mulus
Rabu , 04 Jan 2012, 19:48 WIB
Cuaca 2012 Cerah, Nasib Industri Sawit Ikut Cerah
Rabu , 05 Oct 2011, 14:57 WIB
Gapki: Keputusan Keluar dari RSPO dan Tentukan Standar Minyak Sawit Sendiri Tepat!
Pelemahan Harga Minyak Bumi Picu Harga CPO Merosot
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN--Harga eskpor minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oli/CPO) turun menjadi 785 dolar AS per metrik ton akibat harga minyak bumi yang melemah dan pasokan dari negara produsen yang mulai banyak. "Harga CPO di Rotterdam untuk pengapalan Juli misalnya pada tanggal 5 Juli ditutup 785 dolar AS per MT (metrik ton) dari harga 30 Juni yang masih 795 dolar...
Sabtu , 19 Jun 2010, 05:22 WIB