Rabu , 22 Nov 2023, 15:08 WIB
The Patience of the Early Prophets
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The previous prophets sent before the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had extraordinary fearfulness and patience. But his people were very rebellious,...
Sabtu , 12 Oct 2013, 11:08 WIB
Gajah Bunuh Pegawai Kebun Binatang
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KANSAS CITY -- Seekor gajah di kebun binatang Missouri tanpa sengaja membunuh seorang manajer senior kebun binatang itu, Jumat (11/10), kata para pejabat kota.John Phillip Bradford (62) telah bekerja di Dickerson Park Zoo di Springfield, Missouri, selama 30 tahun. Dia bekerja di kandang gajah pada Jumat pagi, ketika gajah itu menganyun kepalanya dan membentur Bradford, kata juru bicara...