Selasa , 29 Apr 2014, 23:59 WIB
Official: An Indonesian citizen dies of MERS in Jeddah

Selasa , 29 Apr 2014, 23:10 WIB
Government asks Indonesian pilgrims to be alert

Kamis , 29 Aug 2013, 01:10 WIB
Indonesia awarded for the best hajj pilgrims, defeats Malaysia

Jumat , 09 Aug 2013, 00:55 WIB
Minister: Indonesia proposes hajj quota of 180 percent in 2014

Kamis , 18 Jul 2013, 22:30 WIB
168.000 hajj pilgrims depart this year

Selasa , 11 Jun 2013, 23:57 WIB
Minister: Saudi to cut 42 thousands hajj pilgrims quota from Indonesia

Selasa , 26 Feb 2013, 21:00 WIB
Free umrah for Indonesian tribal leaders

Jumat , 30 Nov 2012, 18:57 WIB
Last batch of Hajj pilgrims return to Indonesia

Selasa , 30 Oct 2012, 20:21 WIB
Indonesia urges Saudi Arabia to improve hajj service

Selasa , 23 Oct 2012, 22:50 WIB
House: Indonesia needs to build housing in Mecca

Ahad , 21 Oct 2012, 23:06 WIB
VP Boediono departs for hajj today

Jumat , 12 Oct 2012, 20:30 WIB
VP Boediono to perform the pilgrimage

Coronavirus issue shadows hajj pirgrimage
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A new type of virus that killed a man in Saudi Arabia was not similar with virus of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) that shocked the world in 2002-2003, said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) at the Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama. The coronavirus is only affecting two people and no new...

Jumat , 18 May 2012, 23:51 WIB