Kamis , 13 Dec 2018, 17:34 WIB
Bali shopping centers support plastic bag reduction movement

Rabu , 12 Dec 2018, 03:30 WIB
Batam drafts plastic use restriction regulation

Jumat , 30 Nov 2018, 19:57 WIB
Indonesia to impose cleaning levy on local, foreign tourists

Sabtu , 24 Nov 2018, 03:00 WIB
Govt discusses plan to impose sanction on use of plastic

Jumat , 23 Nov 2018, 01:00 WIB
Plastic waste in Indonesia's sea serious: Susi Pudjiastuti

Selasa , 13 Nov 2018, 07:38 WIB
93 million plastic straws used in Indonesia every day

Jumat , 26 Oct 2018, 23:08 WIB
NU launches Ngaji Plastik program

Selasa , 25 Sep 2018, 20:50 WIB
37 percent of sea waste is plastic

Senin , 25 Jun 2018, 03:45 WIB
Ministry, UNDP encourage people to reduce plastic waste

Kamis , 29 Mar 2018, 22:48 WIB
"Celebrate the Sea" Festival to be held in Manado City

Rabu , 21 Mar 2018, 07:38 WIB
Increasing plastic waste raises concern: Kehati

Rabu , 14 Mar 2018, 14:25 WIB
Govt asks clarification from British diver Rich Horner

Batam govt to clean up garbage in Tanjungriau waters
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BATAM -- The government of Riau Islands' provincial city of Batam will deploy at least 600 residents and waste workers to clean up garbage scattered in the waters around Tanjungriau in commemoration of National Waste Care Day.Head of the Batam's Environment Affairs Office, Dendi Purnomo said here on Friday that the government is deliberately concentrating the activity of...