Sejumlah siswa antre untuk mendapatkan makan siang gratis di SMPN 1 Darul Imarah, Aceh Besar, Selasa  (5/3/2024). Pemkab Aceh Besar melaksanakan simulasi program makan siang gratis untuk pelajar.

Digempur Isu Anggaran Makan Gratis Rp 7.500, Tim Sinkronisasi Ungkap Pesan Penting Prabowo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Program makan bergizi gratis yang dijanjikan presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka menjadi sorotan beberapa hari belakangan. Pasalnya, anggaran untuk satu porsi makanan gratis dalam program itu dirumorkan dipangkas menjadi Rp 7.500 dari sebelumnya Rp 15 ribu. Anggota Tim Gugus Tugas Sinkronisasi Prabowo-Gibran Hasan Nasbi tegas membantah spekulasi yang kini beredar luas...

Traders served buyers of photo frames of Prabowo-Gibran as President and Vice President 2024-2029 in Pasar Baru area, Jakarta, Tuesday (23/4/2024). Traders claimed that the sale of photo frames of the President and Vice President-elect began to be sought after a number of customers after the Constitutional Court (MK) decided to reject the disputed presidential election petition filed by Anies-Muhaimin and Ganjar-Mahfud MD. He admitted that sales have increased by up to 30 percent with prices ranging from IDR 150 thousand to Rp20 million depending on size. Meanwhile, the KPU will determine the presidential and vice president-elect for 2024 elections at the Central Commission building, Jakarta on Wednesday (24/4/2024) tomorrow.

Optimism of 7-8 Percent Economic Growth in Prabowo-Gibran's Hands

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia has never achieved 7 percent annual economic growth in a quarter century. But in the quarterly level, it once occurred in the second quarter of 2021 at the level of 7.07 percent, which is a marker of the revival of the national economy from Covid-19. Indonesia's highest economic growth in 25 years was in 2007 at...