Kamis , 24 Sep 2015, 02:35 WIB
Ministry of Research establishes research cooperation with Rusia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) discussed about cooperation in education, science and technology in "ASEAN-Russia WG on Science and Technology" which was...
Rabu , 23 Sep 2015, 17:08 WIB
Govt seeks science-tech cooperation with Russia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOSCOW -- Indonesia's government, through the Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry, seeks ways to enhance cooperation in science and technology during a meeting titled "ASEAN-Russia WG on Science and Technology" held in Moscow, Russia, September 23-24."The meeting will discuss ways to enhance the ongoing cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology in future," Secretary General...