Sabtu , 22 Dec 2018, 04:30 WIB
Shark fishing ban in Raja Ampat continues to be violated
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WAISAI -- Shark fishing activities in the waters of Raja Ampat District in West Papua Province continue unabated despite a prohibition through the Regional Regulation (Perda). Raja Ampat...
Jumat , 23 Nov 2018, 19:29 WIB
11 carcasses of sharks found in Raja Ampat
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WAISAI — Tour guide member of Association of Indonesian Guides in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province, Mecu Saleo found 11 carcasses of sharks floating on a raft in the waters of West Waigeo Pam Islands. Those sharks were found decayed with no skins and fins. “My activities is in Pam Islands waters and I tell other guide...