Selasa , 24 Apr 2018, 19:21 WIB
People may question about mosque politicization: HNW

Rabu , 04 Apr 2018, 03:25 WIB
Ex-graft prisoner must not run in legislative election: KPK

Rabu , 14 Mar 2018, 16:11 WIB
'SARA issues remain threat during regional elections'

Senin , 26 Feb 2018, 22:04 WIB
2018 simultaneous regional elections to run safely: Tjahjo

Rabu , 21 Feb 2018, 00:12 WIB
Active policemen not to be acting governors: Govt

Senin , 12 Feb 2018, 16:31 WIB
Komnas HAM forms election monitoring team

Jumat , 26 Jan 2018, 18:12 WIB
High-ranking police officers to serve as acting governors

Ahad , 21 Jan 2018, 00:05 WIB
No need to worry about election year: Jusuf Kalla

Senin , 15 Jan 2018, 17:08 WIB
KPU to hold 'Coklit DP4' simultaneously

Jumat , 12 Jan 2018, 01:25 WIB
Tito Karnavian receives resignation letter from 7 generals

Kamis , 11 Jan 2018, 02:45 WIB
Social media platforms to be involved in black campaign eradication

Sabtu , 06 Jan 2018, 00:13 WIB
SBY reminds important things ahead of political years

Regional head election to affect local economy: Kadin Kediri
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KEDIRI -- The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of Kediri, East Java, predicted that the 2018 regional head of Kediri City election will affect the economic turnover in the city. Kadin said, it will bring a decline in local economy. "The year 2018 is a political year and it will affect the economic turnaround, because the government's budget...

Senin , 27 Nov 2017, 21:31 WIB
Police prepares 171,507 personnels to secure 2018 elections

Kamis , 05 Oct 2017, 01:30 WIB
Political commotion will not disturb government work: JK

Selasa , 03 Oct 2017, 19:01 WIB
Cabinet must maintain security and political order: Jokowi

Kamis , 04 May 2017, 11:18 WIB
Researcher sees religion issues, politics of identity to escalate until 2019

Rabu , 26 Apr 2017, 00:45 WIB
KPU needs Rp 11.3 trillion for holding simultaneous regional election in 2018

Sabtu , 18 Feb 2017, 05:37 WIB
ICMI asks muslims to promote national unity

Sabtu , 18 Feb 2017, 01:05 WIB
Ahok-Djarot must take campaign leave: KPU

Jumat , 17 Feb 2017, 07:50 WIB
Tito Karnavian orders Jakarta, Banten police to heighten security measures after elections

Kamis , 16 Feb 2017, 21:36 WIB
President appreciates the simultaneous local elections run safely

Kamis , 16 Feb 2017, 05:01 WIB
Minister grateful sport events not used for election campaigns

Rabu , 15 Feb 2017, 22:36 WIB
Ahok-Djarot and Anies-Sandi races neck-to-neck: SMRC

Rabu , 15 Feb 2017, 22:21 WIB
Minor incidents reported during regional head elections in Papua

Election Commission hails enthusiasm of Jakarta's voters
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) Sumarno lauded the people of the city for their enthusiasm in participating in the gubernatorial election on Wednesday. "I witnessed high enthusiasm among the people when I visited several polling stations," he stated at the KPU office. Sumarno said he had noticed a long queue at a polling station...

Rabu , 15 Feb 2017, 01:22 WIB
When voting, Zulkifli Hasan: Don't trade sovereignty with money nor basic commodities

Selasa , 18 Oct 2016, 17:38 WIB
National police urge people not to misuse social media

Selasa , 04 Oct 2016, 17:26 WIB