Senin , 07 Sep 2015, 14:58 WIB
Internet society brings cyber security conversation to Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Internet Society (ISOC) is holding its first Asia Internet Symposium (AIS) in Jakarta, Indonesia today. Hosted by the ISOC Jakarta Chapter, the event will bring...
Rabu , 19 Feb 2014, 23:42 WIB
Australia's ambassador: I learn how Indonesians tackle gender issues
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Australia's Ambassador for Women and Girls, Natasha Stott Despoja, has successfully concluded a visit to Indonesia. During her visit, she learned about how Indonesians coping with gender equality issues. “Empowering women in our societies has significant flow on effects; it drives economic growth and is a significant factor in improving the lives of the wider community,” Despoja...