Sofyan Djalil

Sofyan Djalil optimistic economy to grow 5.7 percent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIJING--Indonesian Chief Economics Minister Sofyan Djalil said he was optimistic the country's economic growth target of 5.6-5.8 percent would be achieved this year."We have to be optimistic," Sofyan said here on Tuesday(27/1) after a meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.He said Indonesia has continued to improve the investment climate such as with simplification of licensing procedure."Yesterday we...

Sofyan Djalil

Regulation on goods and service procurement to be revised

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government said it will revise the presidential regulation on goods and service procurement system considered not effective to accelerate implementation of state spending."So far procurement system is not sufficiently efficient and effective, therefore, revision is necessary to be more accurate and flexible," Coordinating Minister for Economy Sofyan Djalil said after a coordinating meeting of economics...

Sofyan Djalil

Selasa , 30 Dec 2014, 18:32 WIB

Govt to announce new fuel oil policy

Sofyan Djalil

Selasa , 30 Dec 2014, 15:10 WIB

Menko Sofyan: Belanja Subsidi BBM 2015 Menurun

Tahun 2015 Premium Tidak Bersubsidi: Petugas mengisi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis premium di SPBU, Jakarta, Jumat (19/12).

Selasa , 30 Dec 2014, 12:59 WIB

Alhamdulillah, Harga BBM Bakal Turun 1 Januari 2015