Jumat , 08 Feb 2019, 19:32 WIB
Kalla defends Indonesia's effort to eradicate corruption

Jumat , 08 Feb 2019, 19:06 WIB
JK denies Prabowo's claim on state budget leakage

Kamis , 03 Jan 2019, 19:34 WIB
2018 state budget revenue reaches 102.5 percent: Sri Mulyani

Selasa , 18 Dec 2018, 16:30 WIB
Govt to rejuvenate rubber plantations in S Sumatra

Rabu , 05 Dec 2018, 19:12 WIB
Budget remains under control without revision: Ministry

Kamis , 01 Nov 2018, 01:00 WIB
Parliament passes into law RAPBN 2019 in Plenary Session

Selasa , 04 Sep 2018, 21:04 WIB
Govt says not easy to set assumption on rupiah exchange rate

Selasa , 04 Sep 2018, 20:44 WIB
Draft state budget 2019 to forestall global turbulence

Selasa , 17 Jul 2018, 19:04 WIB
Budget deficit in first half of 2018 smaller

Selasa , 03 Jul 2018, 22:52 WIB
2017 best year for state budget management: Minister

Kamis , 03 May 2018, 01:05 WIB
Increase in oil prices raises subsidy burdens: Sri Mulyani

Rabu , 22 Nov 2017, 00:22 WIB
Government unlikely to revise 2018 state budget

Govt to make additional debt for Rp76.6 trillion
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The government planned to make additional debt for Rp76.6 trillion this year. This was mentioned in the bill of Budget in Brief APBN-P 2017. The bill noted Rp461.3 trillion of debt financing or increased Rp384.7 trillion from the basic APBN. The additional debt would be allocated to patch the budget deficit this year, in line with the...

Selasa , 23 Jun 2015, 21:48 WIB
Public works ministry absorbs the highest budgets

Senin , 18 May 2015, 13:29 WIB
Parliament: The aids for Palestine through APBN must be consulted

Kamis , 11 Dec 2014, 18:43 WIB
Govt provides annual subsidy fund worth 17 trillion IDR to Papua

Senin , 01 Dec 2014, 17:03 WIB
President to examine all ministerial budget in a move to cut spending

Sabtu , 29 Nov 2014, 16:55 WIB
Din Syamsuddin support Jokowi's call for austerity

Jumat , 28 Nov 2014, 06:39 WIB
Indonesia's tax receipts reach 812.1 trillion IDR

Selasa , 25 Nov 2014, 03:55 WIB
Economy-flying Jokowi slashes travel funds
Selasa , 25 Nov 2014, 01:24 WIB
Govt plans to raise budget for fuel price hike's compensation

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 23:56 WIB
House commission agrees to assumption on draft budget

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 15:08 WIB
MP: BPK candidates must understand budget audit

Senin , 25 Aug 2014, 21:25 WIB
Subsidized fuel consumption expected to exceed quota

Sabtu , 23 Aug 2014, 22:19 WIB
Jokowi to discuss state budget with President Yudhoyono

Govt to sell bonds worth 10 trillion IDR
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The government plans to sell rupiah bonds in five series valued at 10 trillion IDR on July 22. A written statement of the the debt management directorate general said on Friday the bond fund would be used to help finance the revised 2014 state budget. The bonds would be repayable from May 2015 to March 2034 with fixed...

Jumat , 21 Mar 2014, 20:56 WIB
KPK sends 50 gratification inventories be auctioned by Ministry of Finance

Kamis , 15 Aug 2013, 06:21 WIB
Govt rises its spending on infrastructure

Rabu , 31 Jul 2013, 02:00 WIB
Budget deficit in 2014 reaches 154 trillion IDR

Sabtu , 29 Jun 2013, 03:21 WIB
New tax for SMEs will be applied in July

Kamis , 20 Jun 2013, 08:15 WIB
Analyst: Political agreement behind revised state budget 2013

Selasa , 18 Jun 2013, 02:10 WIB
House passes revised state budget 2013

Selasa , 18 Jun 2013, 01:39 WIB
Workers and students stage protest over fuel price hike

Kamis , 13 Jun 2013, 20:41 WIB
Govt allocates 2 trillion IDR for illiteracy eradication in NTT

Senin , 03 Jun 2013, 21:08 WIB
Indonesia not affected yet by OPEC’s oil quota

Jumat , 17 May 2013, 19:06 WIB