Kamis , 06 Mar 2014, 18:38 WIB
Minister allows state-owned banks to takeover Mutiara Bank

Kamis , 06 Mar 2014, 18:28 WIB
PT Inalum to be declared as state-owned company

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 16:46 WIB
Merpati forced to shut down temporarily for consolidation

Senin , 03 Feb 2014, 21:09 WIB
Expert: Pertamina is a potential target for extortion

Rabu , 15 Jan 2014, 19:41 WIB
Telkom uses ICT to help SMEs entering global market

Jumat , 10 Jan 2014, 14:22 WIB
Govt to take over Asian Agri assets

Kamis , 26 Dec 2013, 17:17 WIB
Pertamina targets net profit of 36 trillion IDR next year

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 23:42 WIB
Government officially takes over Inalum

Jumat , 22 Nov 2013, 17:09 WIB
Indonesian police stop intercepting illegal immigrants heading to Australia

Kamis , 21 Nov 2013, 22:16 WIB
Minister warns state-owned companies to take precautions against Australian hackers

Selasa , 10 Sep 2013, 21:00 WIB
Another state owned company prepares more than 100 billion IDR for buyback

Ahad , 21 Jul 2013, 00:13 WIB
PTPP gains new contract 9.5 trillion IDR

Semen Baturaja to acquire lands in three areas
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A state-owned cement company, PT Semen Baturaja will acquire three areas of land in Sumatra to strengthen its reserves of raw materials. "We are currently negotiating the price with the owners. The first land is located in Jambi, while two others in South Sumatra," President Director of Semen Baturaja, Pamudji Rahardjo said on Saturday. Acquisition of the land...