Selasa , 25 Feb 2014, 15:16 WIB
Indonesian military chief starts a five day working visit in China
Selasa , 18 Feb 2014, 17:55 WIB
Singapore bans the 'controversial' Indonesian ship to dock in the country
Sabtu , 08 Feb 2014, 21:50 WIB
Usman-Harun navy ship to patrol eastern Indonesia
Jumat , 31 Jan 2014, 08:51 WIB
President reminds neighboring countries not to violate Indonesian sovereign territory
Sabtu , 25 Jan 2014, 22:31 WIB
Military: A soldier killed by separatist in Papua
Selasa , 21 Jan 2014, 20:09 WIB
China to start regular patrols from island in S. China Sea
Jumat , 17 Jan 2014, 17:38 WIB
Indonesia to increase patrols after Australia's breaches
Jumat , 17 Jan 2014, 07:08 WIB
Australia admits it breached Indonesian territory while blocking refugee boats
Senin , 29 Jul 2013, 23:51 WIB
Govt asks Free Aceh Movement not to hoist their flag
Ahad , 21 Jul 2013, 00:23 WIB
Navy deploys a warship at Indonesia-Filiphina border area
Kamis , 18 Jul 2013, 01:10 WIB
Britain reaffirms recognition of Indonesian integrity
Jumat , 12 Jul 2013, 02:50 WIB
Malaysian telecommunication operators 'work' in Indonesian area
Some NGOs involved in money laundering
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ministry of Home Affairs claimed that they have data related to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) received funds from foreign institutions with hidden purposes. While other NGOs or organizations become institutions for money laundering. "We've got the data about NGOs receiving funds from foreign agencies and some of them were indicated to do money laundering," Advisor to Minister of...
Selasa , 02 Jul 2013, 22:50 WIB
MP: Govt's efforts not comprehensive in handling Free Papua Movement
Senin , 01 Jul 2013, 23:10 WIB
Timor Leste encourages border trade zone
Ahad , 23 Jun 2013, 14:37 WIB
Indonesia-Timor Leste discuss about border
Rabu , 05 Jun 2013, 19:16 WIB
BI to distribute Rupiah to remote and border areas
Senin , 27 May 2013, 20:06 WIB
Govt identifies foreign intelligence agents in Papua
Jumat , 24 May 2013, 14:16 WIB
Politician warns of foreign intelligence in Aceh and Papua
Rabu , 15 May 2013, 20:48 WIB
Military: No need to exaggerate West Papuan Independence issues
Ahad , 12 May 2013, 23:40 WIB
PNG will investigate the shooting an Indonesian
Selasa , 07 May 2013, 22:08 WIB
Hundreds of Indonesian army personnels deployed to secure border
Jumat , 03 May 2013, 21:11 WIB
SBY: Military drill not necessary for war
Kamis , 02 May 2013, 19:05 WIB
Police detain six Papuans for hoisting 'Morning Star'
Ahad , 28 Apr 2013, 22:38 WIB
Malaysia closes sea border near Sebatik Island
Kamis , 25 Apr 2013, 22:08 WIB
Papua New Guinean banned to enter Indonesia
Sabtu , 06 Apr 2013, 00:48 WIB
SBY: Aceh flag not political issue
Rabu , 20 Mar 2013, 23:02 WIB
Indonesia-Timor Leste agree to settle borderlines immediately
Kamis , 24 Jan 2013, 22:59 WIB
Budget for Indonesia's border area management set at 7.3 trillion IDR
Parliament endorses North Kalimantan as new province
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The House of Representatives (DPR) endorsed North Kalimantan Province as a new autonomous region on Thursday, after bifurcating it from the East Kalimantan Province. The House also endorsed four new districts, namely Pangandaran (West Java Province), Pesisir Barat district (Lampung Province), South Manokwari (West Papua Province) and Pegunungan Arfak district (West Papua Province). According to Chairman of the...
Sabtu , 06 Oct 2012, 21:47 WIB
Ba'asyir moved to high-security prison in Nusakambangan
Selasa , 11 Sep 2012, 21:53 WIB